10 Reasons

Wild Herb Week is always one of the highlights of our summer. There are many reasons why you should join us, but I’ll limit myself to 10 for now. image-4

  1. It’s fun.
  2. You’ll get to hang out with great people of all ages and make new friends.
  3. You’ll go home with a substantial set of herbal products to start of your winter herbal medicine cabinet.*
  4. You’ll learn to make different kinds of herbal products.
  5. You’ll get to eat, and learn to make, new and yummy dishes from wild edible plants.
  6. You’ll learn to recognize many wild plants, and learn how to use them. Not only that, but you’ll remember them, because we’ll do plenty of review & we’ll use them.
  7. You’ll get to drink delicious herbal beverages every day, and you’ll learn to make them.
  8. You’ll go home with a beautiful new basket, made by you!
  9. You’ll learn more about how to take care of yourself and your family using safe methods.
  10. You’ll get to learn with your whole family.
  11. There are always some extra things that we learn, and you’ll have some say in what they’ll be: mushroom safety and identification, fermentation 101, and qigong may be among them.

Oops! I couldn’t quite keep it to 10.


Register today!!!

*For example, participants in our recent Summer Wild Herb days went home with at least 8 ounces of herbal tincture. It’s not unusual for participants in Wild Herb Week to go home with 16 or more ounces of herbal tincture, plus herbal salve or oil, herbal shampoo, herbal lozenges, delicious herbal “goo balls,” and other goodies. It’s a bit different every time; we make make things that aren’t on this list and not make some of what’s here. It all depends on the plants, the weather, and the people.

For more information, click here!
